
June 26, 2007
Field (Tuborg GreenFest)
Indjija, Serbia
The festival took place on a field around 1km from the city Indjija. The handwritten setlist featured both "Under The Bridge" and "C'mon Girl" on the encore, but were ommited due to the bad weather and John feeling ill.
Performance Stats
40th in

1st in

1st in

116th of the Intergalactic Tour
Album Stats
1 Blood Sugar Sex Magik song
Give It Away
3 Californication songs
Scar Tissue · Right on Time · Californication
4 By the Way songs
Can't Stop · Throw Away Your Television · Don't Forget Me · By the Way
5 Stadium Arcadium songs
Dani California · Charlie · Readymade · Snow ((Hey Oh)) · She's Only 18
1 Cover song
Higher Ground
Stats only reflect full song performances, not partial performances.
Line Up
AUD #1
audience audio
built-in > unknown recorder
MP3 [128kbps]
recorded by unknown
PRO #1
professional video
soundboard > unknown
? > DVD
Missing "Throw Away Your Television", "Snow" and "Don't Forget Me". Best version comes from a copy handed out directly by the TV station to a fan.