
April 29, 2016
Shrine Auditorium
Los Angeles, CA, United States
The band joined the charity fundraising event "Red Hot Benefit Comedy + Music Show & Quinceañera" led by Chad Smith and Will Ferrell. Will Farrell, Taylor Hawkins, Tommy Lee, Stewart Copeland, Mick Fleetwood, Fred Armisen, Josh Freese and Mark Mothersbaugh joined the band for "Higher Ground".
Performance Stats
5th in

136th in

Los Angeles, CA
1042nd in

United States
Album Stats
2 Californication songs
Otherside · Californication
2 By the Way songs
Can't Stop · By the Way
1 Stadium Arcadium song
Snow ((Hey Oh))
1 Cover song
Higher Ground
Stats only reflect full song performances, not partial performances.
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